Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Dark Chocolate S'mores Bark with Pistachios and Sea Salt

Find Quick & Easy Dark Chocolate Bark Recipes! dark chocolate, sea salt and 2 MORE. 150. Dark Chocolate Bark with Pistachios Dried Bing Cherries and Grey Sea Salt Dark Chocolate Bark with Pistachios and Sea Salt . Making this 8 ounces dark chocolate (70 percent cacao), More Like This. Dark Chocolate Macadamia Bark Sprinkled with Sea Salt tastes fully and completely It’s more the water dark chocolate and macadamia nuts are about as good
Dark Chocolate S'mores Bark with Pistachios and Sea Salt

Dark Chocolate S'mores Bark with Pistachios and Sea Salt

Dark Chocolate S'mores Bark with Pistachios and Sea Salt

For a girls' movie night last weekend, I made a small batch of this Dark Chocolate S'mores Bark with Pistachios and Sea Salt to take along, and came home with an empty container, cleaned of every last crumb, pistachio and marshmallow. They loved it so much, they asked if I would be bringing more to next weekend's Halloween party, so what could I do but make another batch?

Originally, I made this bark with a combination of milk and dark chocolate, but personally felt like it ended up too sweet, since so many of the components are already sweet. So when I made it again, I only used dark chocolate, and the slight bitterness contrasts so nicely with the sweet marshmallows and graham crackers. The pistachios and coarse sea salt just take it over the edge.

Dark Chocolate S'mores Bark with Pistachios and Sea Salt

Dark Chocolate S'mores Bark with Pistachios and Sea Salt

Dark Chocolate S'mores Bark with Pistachios and Sea Salt

I also made White Chocolate Poppycock Bark - which is incredibly fun to say - but you don't really need a recipe for that since it's nothing more than white chocolate and Poppycock.

But the s'mores bark is the real star here, and it looks so pretty broken into big shards and arranged on a pedestal. And it's so perfectly simple to make. I was feeling badly about my skills the morning I made this, because after three failed attempts at frying pumpkin beignets, I had to make something that I knew would be successful. Not that anyone can't melt chocolate and sprinkle stuff on it, but somehow, it still made me feel better in the end.

Dark Chocolate S'mores Bark with Pistachios and Sea Salt

Dark Chocolate S'mores Bark with Pistachios and Sea Salt

Dark Chocolate S'mores Bark with Pistachios and Sea Salt

Dark Chocolate S'mores Bark with Pistachios and Sea Salt
  • 1 1/2 pounds good quality dark chocolate
  • 1 1/2 cups mini marshmallows
  • 1 1/2 cups crumbled cinnamon graham crackers
  • 1/2 cup shelled pistachios
  • coarse sea salt
Melt the chocolate in a double boiler until smooth. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread about 1/3 of the chocolate over the parchment paper. Sprinkle with the marshmallows, graham crackers and pistachios, reserving a handful of each. Pour the remaining 2/3 melted chocolate over and sprinkle with the rest of the toppings. Sprinkle with the coarse sea salt.

Refrigerate until hard, and break into shards.

Recipe from Curly Girl Kitchen

source :,,

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