Sunday, 14 December 2014

google map 5.4.0 available NOW !

If you have been waiting for the new Google Maps that was demoed on the new Nexus S to be released soon, wait no longer, it is now officially in the Market. Let rsquo s agree that the newest version of Google Maps looks great Moreover managing this beauty became as comfortable as a two dimensional map. Google Maps 4.5 Now Available for Internet giant Google has just announced the availability of a new flavor of Google Maps for Android, namely version 4.5, Google Maps 5.6.0 Now Available for Android. Google Maps for Android updated to 5.6.0. A new flavor of Google's popular Google Maps application for the Android mobile

Google Maps updated to 5.4.0

google map 5.4.0 available NOW !Google released Maps version 5.4.0 today, bringing about a small list of changes from the previous 5.3.1 update. Well, what's new in this version? Google gives us the abilities to:
  • View your Google Maps searches in Google Web History for your account.
  • See additional business details for each search result on the map
  • Report "destination not here" in Navigation (Beta)
Enabling search history for your account could certainly come in handy for someone who let's say, typed in an address on their phone, but wants to recall the address on another device at a later date. In other words, it basically centralizes your search history even more so you don't have to go looking all over the place for information you've already accessed.
The extra business details Google threw in for us include the star rating beneath the business name in the main map view, nice, and an aptly named "Details" section when you tap on the business for more info. On a restaurant, for example, this adds the type of cuisine, parking, and meals served along with the year opened and neighborhood.
the real winner here looks to be the addition of reporting a destination that's not where Google Maps Navigation dumped you off. This is a nice add-on seeking to improve the Navigation's accuracy even further. If Google Maps has ever strayed me afar, I can't recall but in those rare circumstances some of us experience where something has disappeared, moved, or simply is not there/never was there, you can report it and Google will do their best to fix it.
Open up the Market on your phone and get your update on or hit up the links past the break.

source :,,

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