Saturday, 14 March 2015

DIY Coconut Scrub - Easy & Affordable X-Mas Gift! #61595

Gift-giving can sometimes be pretty exxy, but presents can also be rich in thought rather than price. Making your own Christmas presents are not only inexpensive alternatives this festive season, but also a great way to show that you care about the people you're giving them to.
This DIY Coconut Scrub is super duper simple and a perfect pressie for the beauty lovers (or those in need of a little pampering) in your life. This scrub suits all ages, so you could always make lots of batches and have them sitting in the fridge as little back up gifts for the surprise Secret Santas and unexpected visitors.
DIY Coconut Scrub - Easy & Affordable X-Mas Gift!

This stuff is perfect for your face and body, which is awesome because in summer our skin can get a bit of a beating from the sun and the salt water at the beach. All you have to do is gently rub it into your skin in circular motions and rinse off with warm water. The coconut oil will leave a film on your skin but leave it–it's a great natural moisturiser and will make your skin glow!

Plus making two jars of this body-loving gold cost me a total of $11.28, which is just over five dollars per jar! Of course, this DIY is such a pinch that you could easily multiply the recipe to make even more and include them as stocking stuffers for all of your friends.

Taken By Surprise Tutorial - DIY Coconut Scrub

What you will need:
(feel free to substitute brands!)
DIY Coconut Scrub - Easy & Affordable X-Mas Gift!

Homebrand Fine Dessicated Coconut 250g - $1.55 (Woolworths)
CSR Raw Sugar 500g - $1.42 (Woolworths)
Spiral Organic Coconut Oil 300g - $5.99 (Woolworths)
Glass Jars - $3.50 for a set of three, so $1.16 per jar ($2 shop)

1. Spoon out the coconut oil (it will be solid–similar to the texture of peanut butter) into a microwave safe bowl and pop it in the microwave for 20 seconds. Afterwards it should be soft and easy to mix, kind of like porridge. Give it a good stir to remove any big lumps.

Benefits of coconut oil: It will help moisturise your skin without clogging pores. Plus it adds a natural, delicious scent!

DIY Coconut Scrub - Easy & Affordable X-Mas Gift!
2. Add one cup of raw sugar to the coconut oil and give it a good mix with a spoon until it resembles a paste (and makes a crunchy noise when you stir it).

Benefits of raw sugar: The larger sugar granules will help exfoliate your skin, removing dirt and dead skin cells.

DIY Coconut Scrub - Easy & Affordable X-Mas Gift!

3. Add one cup of fine desiccated coconut to the mix and combine well. The mixture should now be a thick paste.
Benefits of desiccated coconut: The soft pieces of coconut act as a gentle exfoliant on your skin.
DIY Coconut Scrub - Easy & Affordable X-Mas Gift!
4. Carefully spoon your mixture into your jars and once they're full, gently tap the bottom of the jars on a hard surface (like a table top) to remove any air bubbles and even out the mixture. Make sure to clean up any mess!
DIY Coconut Scrub - Easy & Affordable X-Mas Gift!
5. Write out your labels and stick them on the jars. You can write whatever you like; the name of the scrub like I did, a personal message or even just the ingredients list. Be as creative as you like!
DIY Coconut Scrub - Easy & Affordable X-Mas Gift!
Tie a ribbon around the lip of the jar in a bow and that's it! These beauty cuties are ready to be gifted (or kept for yourself)!
DIY Coconut Scrub - Easy & Affordable X-Mas Gift!
When stored properly (in a cool place such as your bathroom bench top) these scrubs will last as long as the use-by date of the coconut oil. But with summer here, they'll go a lot quicker!
DIY Coconut Scrub - Easy & Affordable X-Mas Gift!

Let me know if you would like more gift idea posts leading up to Christmas in the comments below!

source :,,

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