Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Islamic 'Radicals' at the Heart of Whitehall

Islamic 'Radicals' at the Heart of Whitehall But now, according to one Muslim leader, Islamic radicals are practising entryism of their own mdash into the heart of Whitehall ndash courtesy of a woman who Skip to comments. Islamic 'Radicals' At The Heart Of Whitehall Former Muslim Minister Appointed Them Telegraph UK February 22, 2015 Andrew Gilligan Blazing Cat Fur: Entryism, the favourite tactic of the 1980s rsquo Militant Tendency, is when a political party or institution is infiltrated by groups with a radically
Islamic 'Radicals' at the Heart of Whitehall
Lady Warsi arrives in Downing Street on July 6, 2010
THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Baroness Warsi gave official roles to people with links to Islamist groups

Entryism, the favourite tactic of the 1980s’ Militant Tendency, is when a political party or institution is infiltrated by groups with a radically different agenda. Since Militant’s Trotskyites were expelled from the Labour Party, the word has rather fallen out of fashion.

But now, according to one Muslim leader, Islamic radicals are practising entryism of their own — into the heart of Whitehall – courtesy of a woman who was until recently a government minister.

Baroness Warsi, the first Muslim woman to sit in Cabinet, handed official posts to people linked to Islamist groups, including a man involved in an “unpleasant and bullying” campaign to win planning permission for the controversial London “megamosque” proposed by a fundamentalist Islamic sect.

He sits – alongside other radicals or former radicals and their allies – on a “cross-Government working group on anti-Muslim hatred” set up by Lady Warsi and Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime Minister.

Some members of the group are using their seats at the table to urge that Whitehall work with Islamist and extremist-linked bodies, including one described by the Prime Minister as a “political front for the Muslim Brotherhood”. Some are also pressing to lift bans on foreign hate preachers from entering Britain, including Zakir Naik, who has stated that “every Muslim should be a terrorist”. » | Andrew Gilligan | Sunday, February 22, 2015

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Anti-terrorism chief quits over failure to expel suspects: Senior official quits over fears scheme to deport terrorists isn’t working» | Robert Mendick and Robert Verkaik | Saturday, February 21, 2015

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