I didn't like taste of chocolate until my 40s;... why, oh why my taste buds changed? I really didn't need that - Now I can't have enough chocolate!
Following recipe is Curtis Stone's. Absolutely divine, especially while still warm.
I baked it in friand's moulds. I did overbaked it, but just for a minute...should be more runny inside.
1 cup sugar
1 cup butter
5 eggs
5 yolks
instant coffee (optional)
1/2 cup flour
250 g chocolate
Preheat the oven to 180*C. Coat friand pans (or popover pans, or six 3/4 cup/180 ml ovenproof custard cups) with 1 tablespoon of butter. Dust the molds with cocoa powder; coat well.
Stir the chocolate and remaining butter (and coffee) in a heavy medium saucepan over a low heat until smooth. Using an electric mixer, beat the eggs, egg yolks and sugar in a large bowl until pale and doubled in volume.
Fold in the melted chocolate mixture. Add the flour and whisk until smooth. Pour into the prepared molds, dividing equally. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes, or until slightly puffed and just set around the sides (a toothpick inserted into the center of the cakes should come out with batter attached). Let the fondants rest for 3 to 4 minutes.
Serve with cream or chocolate ganache.
Tecna Lava Cokoladni Fondanti
Nisam bila ljubitelj cokolade sve do mojih 40tih;... zasto, o zasto se moj osjecaj okusa promijenio?
Zaista nisam to trebala - sad mi nikad nije dovoljno cokolade!
Sljedeci recept je od Australijskog chefa po imenu Kurtis Ston. Apsolutno bozanstven, posebno dok je jos topao.
Pekla sam ga u kalupu za frajande. Malo sam ih prepekla, ali samo za minutu....trebali su biti vise tecni u sredini.
1 solja secera
1 solja maslaca (250gr)
5 jaja
5 zumanaca
instant kafa (opciono)
1/2 solje brasna
250 gr cokolade
Ukljucite renuna 180*C. Namazite kalupe sa maslacem; pospite sa kakaom.
Zagrijte cokoladu i maslac dok se ne istopi.
Miksajte jaja sa secerom, dok ne postane gusto i svijetlo.
Umijesajte mjesavinu sa cokoladom. Dodajte brasno i njezno umijesajte.
Uspite u pripremljene kalupe. Pecite 8-10 minuta, tj dok spoljasnost ne dobije koricu a ubodena cackalica ima trag nepecene unutrasnjosti. Neka se ohlade 3-4 minute, zatim servirajte sa vrhnjem ili cokoladnim ganashem.
source : http://google.com, http://jasnaskitchencreations.blogspot.com, http://merdeka.com
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