Sunday 3 May 2015


Molten Lava Chocolate Fondants (by Curtis Stone)

I didn't like taste of chocolate until my 40s;... why, oh why my taste buds changed? I really didn't need that - Now I can't have enough chocolate!
Following recipe is Curtis Stone's. Absolutely divine, especially while still warm.
I baked it in friand's moulds. I did overbaked it, but just for a minute...should be more runny inside.

1 cup sugar
1 cup butter
5 eggs
5 yolks
instant coffee (optional)
1/2 cup flour
250 g chocolate
Preheat the oven to 180*C. Coat friand pans (or popover pans, or six 3/4 cup/180 ml ovenproof custard cups) with 1 tablespoon of butter. Dust the molds with cocoa powder; coat well.
Stir the chocolate and remaining butter (and coffee) in a heavy medium saucepan over a low heat until smooth. Using an electric mixer, beat the eggs, egg yolks and sugar in a large bowl until pale and doubled in volume.
Fold in the melted chocolate mixture. Add the flour and whisk until smooth. Pour into the prepared molds, dividing equally. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes, or until slightly puffed and just set around the sides (a toothpick inserted into the center of the cakes should come out with batter attached). Let the fondants rest for 3 to 4 minutes.
Serve with cream or chocolate ganache.
Molten Lava Chocolate Fondants (by Curtis Stone)
Molten Lava Chocolate Fondants (by Curtis Stone)t

Tecna Lava Cokoladni Fondanti

Nisam bila ljubitelj cokolade sve do mojih 40tih;... zasto, o zasto se moj osjecaj okusa promijenio?
Zaista nisam to trebala - sad mi nikad nije dovoljno cokolade!
Sljedeci recept je od Australijskog chefa po imenu Kurtis Ston. Apsolutno bozanstven, posebno dok je jos topao.
Pekla sam ga u kalupu za frajande. Malo sam ih prepekla, ali samo za minutu....trebali su biti vise tecni u sredini.

1 solja secera
1 solja maslaca (250gr)
5 jaja
5 zumanaca
instant kafa (opciono)
1/2 solje brasna
250 gr cokolade
Ukljucite renuna 180*C. Namazite kalupe sa maslacem; pospite sa kakaom.
Zagrijte cokoladu i maslac dok se ne istopi.
Miksajte jaja sa secerom, dok ne postane gusto i svijetlo.
Umijesajte mjesavinu sa cokoladom. Dodajte brasno i njezno umijesajte.
Uspite u pripremljene kalupe. Pecite 8-10 minuta, tj dok spoljasnost ne dobije koricu a ubodena cackalica ima trag nepecene unutrasnjosti. Neka se ohlade 3-4 minute, zatim servirajte sa vrhnjem ili cokoladnim ganashem.

Molten Lava Chocolate Fondants (by Curtis Stone)

source :,,

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