Sunday, 19 July 2015

One of The African Nuns Ebola Victim Who Worked For The Spanish Missionaries Dies In Liberia

One of The African Nuns Ebola Victim Who Worked For The Spanish Missionaries Dies In Liberia
Father Miguel Pajares become the first European Ebola victim after he was infected with the virus while in Liberia. Also evacuated with him was a Spanish nun, Sister Juliana Bonoha Bohe, 65, who initially tested negative for Ebola but is being held in isolation at the hospital. Both served as Catholic missionaries in the same hospital in Liberia as part of a program run by a religious order, The Hospitaller Brothers of St. John of God.

According to a Spanish media report, that two African nuns infected with Ebola who worked with the Spanish missionaries were denied permission to join Father Miguel and Sister Juliana on the flight to Madrid. One of the African nuns, Sister Chantal Pascaline, died Saturday at San Jose Hospital in Monrovia, Liberia.

“Despite the priest’s hope that the two nuns would travel with him [to Spain], they were required to remain in Monrovia,” said the Spanish daily newspaper El Pais.
“After the departure of Father Pajares and Sister Bonoha from Liberia, and after days of requesting that they be evacuated from the country, the ailing nuns had lost hope and were simply ‘waiting to die.’”

Meanwhile, Father Miguel Pajares will be treated with the new experimental drug, Zmapp, which was used to treat two US missionary doctors infected with the virus.

source :,,

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