Friday, 20 November 2015

Serbian pop star tries to drag Beyonce ...after dragging Kim K

Serbian pop star tries to drag Beyonce ...after dragging Kim K
I was going to ignore this woman but let me just do her story since many, including Wendy Williams seem interested in what she has to say. So once she's worn a particular style, nobody else in the world can wear it? People who don't even know she exists? I find it lame. The attention seeking is too much

Earlier this year, Serbian pop star Jelena Karleusha waged a social media war on Kim Kardasian, accusing her of jacking her style. She got her 15mins of international fame and seemed to like it because now she's come after Beyonce, accusing her of doing the same thing. See all the stuff she posted on instagram after the cut

Serbian pop star tries to drag Beyonce ...after dragging Kim K
Of course the Beyhives came come her but Jelena didn't back down and continued to post pics of herself in similar outfits with Beyonce

Serbian pop star tries to drag Beyonce ...after dragging Kim KSerbian pop star tries to drag Beyonce ...after dragging Kim K
Serbian pop star tries to drag Beyonce ...after dragging Kim K
Serbian pop star tries to drag Beyonce ...after dragging Kim K
Serbian pop star tries to drag Beyonce ...after dragging Kim K
Serbian pop star tries to drag Beyonce ...after dragging Kim K
Serbian pop star tries to drag Beyonce ...after dragging Kim K

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