Thursday 12 November 2015

Weekend Review: 5 Purchases I can't wait to share with you - Style - Now that my regimen is more stable, I find myself craving fewer hair products. But that doesn't mean that I'm not grabbing other goodies every once in a while. I've stumbled on some pretty nifty finds that I'd love to share with you. So here we go.....

Weekend Review: 5 Purchases I can't wait to share with you
Weekend Review: 5 Purchases I can't wait to share with you
I first learned of Baby Face Pure Protein while I was wandering aimlessly through What caught my attention were the reviews. People were saying that this protein product left their hair soft, shiny and healthy. I went back in forth in my mind for several weeks before I decided to take the plunge. My hair isn't too keen on protein but, at the same time, it can become really fragile and prone to breakage. What's a girl to do? The decision to buy came after I thought about how much I tend to go for moisturizing conditioners. "What if there were a way to make my favorite moisturizing conditioners a bit more strengthening?" That's when I decided that Babyface was a purchase worth making. So far, I've used it once. Because of my fear of stiff, protein hair, I used 3/4 of a capfull in my conditioner mix. The results were great and without the feeling of protein overload. Best of all, I see the possibility of this reducing the need for me to buy protein conditioners (which will save me money in the long run).

Weekend Review: 5 Purchases I can't wait to share with you
Weekend Review: 5 Purchases I can't wait to share with you
The next purchase actually arrived this morning so I haven't had a chance to use it yet. It's a Japanese brand by the name of Hada Labo. Why would I buy a foreign product that I've never used? And not to mention that I can't even read the instructions. Because the reviews were great and I've had favorable experiences with hyaluronic acid (HA) serums in the past. Compared to the price I paid for HA serums at the health food store, this purchase was a steal. Hyaluronic acid is the stuff that young, moisturized skin is made of. This acid is a humectant that helps our skin hold water and provides the volume that makes our skin appear plump.

Weekend Review: 5 Purchases I can't wait to share with you
Weekend Review: 5 Purchases I can't wait to share with you
When I last visited Sephora, amazingly I didn't have the normal compulsion to buy a bunch of stuff I didn't need. Instead, I opted to pick up a travel size portable perfume sprayer (I'm sure they're a better name for it). We all know that it's cost effective to buy large sizes of our favorite scents but that takes away the portability factor. With this tiny little sprayer, (about the size of a lipstick) I can refresh during the day with any of my favorite scents at any time.

Weekend Review: 5 Purchases I can't wait to share with you
Weekend Review: 5 Purchases I can't wait to share with you

This purchase was totally on a whim. The moment I saw the rigid white bristles of this Denman brush, I knew that I had to own in. Thoughts were racing through my mind about how amazing this brush would be for scalp massages. Moments after purchasing, I sat in my car opening the package. The minute it touched my scalp I knew that things would be o.k. I'm in love with this brush for stimulating my scalp. I don't think I'll ever use it as a brush because my hair doesn't seem to like it as much as my scalp does. My only regret is that I didn't buy the wider version. Scalp brushing has become my newest addiction. The sensation is amazing and the act of massaging my scalp keeps my hands away. The urge to play with my hair is now easily quenched with a simple stimulation session. I feel like someone who gave up a destructive habit (like smoking) and replaced it with a healthy alternative (running).

Weekend Review: 5 Purchases I can't wait to share with you
Weekend Review: 5 Purchases I can't wait to share with you
Finally, I'd like to introduce you to my Fresh Umbrian Clay Treatment Bar. This purchase came from a need to have a clay mask when I travel. Sometimes my skin gets congested and all my facial supplies are miles away. The Clay Treatment bar was suggested to my by the owner of a beauty store in L.A. The price tag threw me off but I decided to get it because I have several Fresh products and I've never been disappointed. What I love about this product is how easy it is to use. Unlike my Aztec Clay, it doesn't have to be mixed. Unlike my Queen Helene, this bar is gentle without over drying. Because it's shaped like a bar of soap, I simply moisten my face and rub the bar like I would if I were washing my face with it. Ten minutes later the clay dries and I'm ready to move on with the rest of my regimen. Ladies, this bar makes things so convenient for me. Using a clay mask is no longer a big deal that I save for weekends. It's gentle enough to use daily and has helped my skin improve.

Hope you enjoyed my sharing. In the future, I'll continue to bring these brief posts on random purchases and things I love.

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