Wednesday, 24 September 2014

What You Pay Per Calorie.

How many calories should I eat have per meal so that storage of them as fat is minimal? If you calculate how many calories you are burning per day, What You Pay Per Calorie. Big Macs and Fries The results may surprise you. Looking at the cost per 100 calories of some items underscores Come and join me to talk about music, sport, Finance, technology, News and intersting aspects of life. Total Fun and Whole hearted friendship.What You Pay Per Calorie.Check out this article. I found this on yahoo finance. They went out to search for the best deal on food in terms of lowest cost per calories. They ranked the different fast food items in terms of how much it costs per 100 calories... haha, pretty interesting stuff if you eat a lot of fast food like me.

The number 1 value per 100 calories is...
32 oz coke from subway costs $0.38 /100 calories (32 oz coke= 330 calories). That is a giant coke for a bit over $1 u.s.!

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