Friday, 28 November 2014

Happy New Year, Modeling 101 Readers!!!

Happy New Year, Modeling 101 Readers!!!
WOW, yet another year has come and gone! Man, 2011 was really something! Lots of changes and lots of challenges: I dropped my agent, got a new agent, watched friends get married and bring children into the world, let go of one of the greatest loves of my life and found hope in someone new, lost very important loved ones and cried as they were laid to rest--life really does throw a lot of curve balls at you!

But there was an aspect of my life that remained a constant source of happiness: contributing posts to my Modeling 101 blog, answering more Reader Questions than I've ever done before and having the opportunity to receive emails from a whole slew of aspiring models with amazing and heartfelt stories/experiences. I truly hope you readers understand how much I love and appreciate your support and for keeping me motivated to continue sharing my knowledge and experiences with you. Some of you have been with me since Modeling 101 was started in 2007 and others have just stumbled across my blog just a few days ago...regardless, I appreciate each and every one of you!

So what's on my plate for 2012? No one (not even me!) can predict the future but with a new agent I am even more excited to see where their representation will take my career. I also plan on continuing my freelancing efforts to acquire even more gigs and networking connections--that'll never change! A new year means new opportunities, clients and chances to continue building my name and I've never been more amped! Of course you guys will get the complete 411, since I plan on keeping you posted with what's going on in my own career, as well as adding even more informative and insightful posts about modeling and the industry. I've got a long list of blog post topics that I'm eager to write about!

Thank you for sticking with me through another crazy year...I look forward to the new year that is just around the corner and for those of you heading out to celebrate tonight, please, please be safe.

That being said, I'm gonna stop being a workaholic for the day and enjoy some much-needed lazy "me" time before I have to get dolled up and head out to ring in the new year with my new sweetheart. :-)


source :,,

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