Sunday, 9 November 2014

Monday Motivation: The Art of the Transformation

I'm one of those people that always wants instant results. Which probably explains why developing a consistent practice of working out was such a battle for me. In my mind, the results didn't come fast enough to keep me motivated. But then I started to shift my mindset. Now, when I train, I think about all the benefits that the future version of myself will experience. This thought process keeps me motivate knowing that even though I don't see results yet, I will.

I dedicate this Monday Motivation post to those ladies out there in the process of transforming their bodies. I can only imagine the amount of focus, persistence and dedication required to create their new physiques. They inspire me to keep going knowing that every moment invested in their fitness, will pay off.

Monday Motivation: The Art of the Transformation
Monday Motivation: The Art of the Transformation

Monday Motivation: The Art of the TransformationMonday Motivation: The Art of the TransformationMonday Motivation: The Art of the TransformationMonday Motivation: The Art of the TransformationMonday Motivation: The Art of the Transformation

p.s. A few of the transformations on this page were created thanks to the Black Girls Work out Too program/DVD and clean eating.

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