Sunday, 9 November 2014

Shiina Ringo(椎名林檎) to celebrate her 15th anniversary with Best of Albums "UKINA(浮き名)" and "MITSUGETSU SHO(蜜月抄)"

Shiina Ringo and Yasutaka Nakata to Mitsugetsu shou: A best-of album of live recordings To celebrate the 15th anniversary of her major (女の子は泣かない)" on January 15th, So'Fly To Release First New Album "Love, Hurts, Tears" In 5 Years. Posted on 3:27 AM by JapanEntNews. It was released on her 15th anniversary on as a part of Ringo Sheena's 15th anniversary less than Ukina, a collaborations album released
Shiina Ringo(椎名林檎) to celebrate her 15th anniversary with Best of Albums "UKINA(浮き名)" and "MITSUGETSU SHO(蜜月抄)"

Shiina Ringo(椎名林檎), who is celebrating the 15th anniversary of her debut, will release a collaborative best-of album, called “UKINA(浮き名),” and a live best-of album, called “MITSUGETSU SHO(蜜月抄),” on November 13.

Shiina Ringo(椎名林檎) to celebrate her 15th anniversary with Best of Albums "UKINA(浮き名)" and "MITSUGETSU SHO(蜜月抄)"“UKINA(浮き名)” is a collection of Shiina’s past songs that featured guest artists that she compiled herself. In addition, the album will include a new song, “NETSUAI HAKKAKUCHU(熱愛発覚中),” which is her first collaboration with CAPSULE’s Yasutaka Nakata, and “IT WAS YOU,” for which Burt Bacharach provides the music.

The limited edition first pressing will come in a hardback book with case. It will include unreleased photos and an interview with Shiina about “UKINA(浮き名),.”

Shiina’s first concert in five years was announced yesterday. Right after the concert, it was also announced that there will be exclusive shows on November 28 and 29 for “RINGOHAN” official fan club members.

Shiina Ringo(椎名林檎) to celebrate her 15th anniversary with Best of Albums "UKINA(浮き名)" and "MITSUGETSU SHO(蜜月抄)"UKINA(浮き名) [Regular Edition]
Shiina Ringo(椎名林檎)
CD | Release: 2013/11/13
ships on the release date
(US$ 30.49)
Shiina Ringo(椎名林檎) to celebrate her 15th anniversary with Best of Albums "UKINA(浮き名)" and "MITSUGETSU SHO(蜜月抄)"MITSUGETSU SHO(蜜月抄) [Regular Edition]
Shiina Ringo(椎名林檎)
CD | Release: 2013/11/23
ships on the release date
(US$ 30.49)

The November 29 show will be broadcast live in movie theaters around Japan. Pre-sale and reserve tickets go on sale on October 2 via the SR Nekoyanagi Honsen Pocket mobile site. It is highly recommended to take a trip to the movie theater to witness this premium event.

Shiina Ringo(椎名林檎) - UKINA(浮き名) [2013.11.23]
Shiina Ringo(椎名林檎) to celebrate her 15th anniversary with Best of Albums "UKINA(浮き名)" and "MITSUGETSU SHO(蜜月抄)"
01 やさしい哲学/冨田ラボ
04 IT WAS YOU/椎名林檎と斎藤ネコカルテット
05 Rock & Hammer/谷口 崇
06 You make me feel so bad/ZAZEN BOYS
07 熱愛発覚中/椎名林檎と中田ヤスタカ(CAPSULE)
08 MY FOOLISH HEART ~crazy on earth~/SOIL&"PIMP"SESSIONS×椎名林檎
09 あまいやまい feat.椎名林檎/マボロシ
10 危険すぎる/浅井健一
11 becoming/谷口 崇
12 きらきら武士 feat.Deyonna/レキシ
13 殺し屋危機一髪/SOIL&"PIMP"SESSIONSと椎名林檎
14 APPLE with Ringo Sheena/TOWA TEI
15 Between Today and Tomorrow/椎名林檎と斎藤ネコカルテット
16 MY FOOLISH HEART ~crazy on shibuya~/SOIL&"PIMP"SESSIONS×椎名林檎

Shiina Ringo(椎名林檎) - MITSUGETSU SHO(蜜月抄) [2013.11.23]
Shiina Ringo(椎名林檎) to celebrate her 15th anniversary with Best of Albums "UKINA(浮き名)" and "MITSUGETSU SHO(蜜月抄)"
01 本能 <“下剋上エクスタシー”2000.4.26 NHKホール>
02 歌舞伎町の女王 <“座禅エクスタシー”2000.7.30 飯塚嘉穂劇場>
03 ありあまる富 <NHK「SONGS」2009.6.24 放送>
04 迷彩 <“第一回林檎班大会の模様”2005.12.13 恵比寿ガーデンホール>
05 今夜だふ <発育ステータス"御起立ジャポン"2000.7.8 新宿リキッドルーム>
06 茜さす帰路照らされど… <“座禅エクスタシー”2000.7.30 飯塚嘉穂劇場>
07 積木遊び <“下剋上エクスタシー”2000.4.26 NHKホール>
08 浴室 <“座禅エクスタシー”2000.7.30 飯塚嘉穂劇場>
09 茎(STEM) <“Ringo EXPo 08”2008.11.30さいたまスーパーアリーナ>
10 りんごのうた <“第一回林檎班大会の模様”2005.12.20 代官山UNIT>
11 罪と罰 <“Electric Mole”2003.9.27 日本武道館>
12 丸ノ内サディスティック <“Electric Mole”2003.9.27 日本武道館>
13 密偵物語 <NHK「SONGS」2009.7.1 放送>
14 あおぞら <“下剋上エクスタシー”2000.4.26 NHKホール>
15 ポルターガイスト <“賣笑エクスタシー”2003.5.27 九段会館>
16 この世の限り <“Ringo EXPo 08”2008.11.30さいたまスーパーアリーナ>

■椎名林檎 - 熱愛発覚中

■椎名林檎 - IT WAS YOU

Source:, OHP

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