Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Super fast Access To BBM Chats On Your Android Phone

Best Android phones. Offering BBM on GALAXY smartphones in Africa will give Samsung customers access to the BBM ldquo BBM is loved by people who rely on fast, We know that since BBM went cross platform the number of subscribers has increased dramatically but I still know plenty of iPhone and Android users Phones Forums. One cool feature of the Android OS is the widget feature in which you can place widgets on your home screen for fast Access to certain app features. in Africa will give Samsung customers access to the BBM social ldquo BBM is loved by people who rely on fast, change the look of your Android phone
BBM is definitely waxing strong on the Android and iOS devices.
One cool feature of the Android OS is the widget feature in which you can place widgets on your home screen for fast Access to certain app features.
Well, with BBM, entering directly into a conversation hasn't been any easier. All you need do is go to the app widget section of your drawer to see the BBM widget.
Super fast Access To BBM Chats On Your Android Phone
Click and hold the widget and place it on your home screen where there's space.
Super fast Access To BBM Chats On Your Android Phone
Once this is done, you can jump into any conversation directly and can also see whose pings you received without even opening the app.
I hope this tip was useful.
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