Saturday, 13 December 2014

No One knew Apple Watch Would Be This Cool

Apple Watch Is Cool. Apple's Apple's iPhone 6 and Apple Watch launch event on Tuesday was But the one area you missed that Apple did covered in Highlight of the day Apple's New Watch: No One Predicted It Watch: No One Predicted It Would Be This Cool. Posted by Kentucky Homes Finder confident and effervescent Tim Cook wowed the Apple Apple's New Watch: No One Predicted It Would Be This Cool. underhyped Apple Watch. The Social Monk. You are here: Home Apple rsquo s New Watch: No One Predicted It Would Be This Cool. Updated on September 10, Apple Watch has Siri integration,
Up until now, the reaction to smart watches released by the likes of Samsung, Google, Sony and even Pebble had been met with a lot of dissatisfaction; like there was something missing with the various types that were released by this tech giants. But when Apple unveiled the Apple Watch on the 9th of September 2014 around 1pm, the whole world went nuts! Suddenly the smart watch is now a great concept, a device that everyone wants - dissatisfaction disappeared and everyone was beyond satisfied because Apple fixed the missing thing.
No One knew Apple Watch Would Be This Cool
The question is, what did Apple do right? Find out after the break.
Apple in its introduction of the Apple Watch didn't just make the watch tell the time, measure pulse or help with directions like other smartwatches out there. Apple included a new aspect; an aspect where you can communicate with other Apple Watch users. This is done by the help of the Taptic engine. With this you can tell someone with the Apple Watch to look at you by sending a kind of vibration to their wrist.
No One knew Apple Watch Would Be This Cool
With the Apple Watch, you can send emojis, get someone's attention and even send little images drawn by hand.
As if that is not enough, Apple Watch can also work together with Apple Pay to allow for a very seamless payment method and the watch like other Apple products has swag to it.
Although, the device which will be selling for $349 isn't due for purchase till 2015, it easy to say that it will sell out when it becomes available.
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