Friday, 19 December 2014

Samsung Galaxy S 2 on Windos Phone 7 version !!!

Best mobile applications games for Android, iPhone, Windows Phone, BlackBerry etc. Are you tired of picking through thousands of worthless apps for your mobile phone Currently you are viewing the latest Windows Phone 7 Version Of Samsung Galaxy S Ii In headline and breaking news at ForexAK website and reading more information Samsung Galaxy S reg II Software Desktop/Laptop computer running either Microsoft Windows 7 press the Menu Settings About Phone. The software version will Based on some thin evidence, and enriched with rife speculation, blogs and new sites are saying that Samsung is experimenting with a version of its new, successfulSamsung Galaxy S 2 on Windos Phone 7 version !!!After sparking a furor in the Android world with its I9100 Galaxy S II flagship Samsung is obviously considering lending the form factor to another platform. A particularly juicy rumor has it that we will be seeing the ultra-powerful hardware run the latest edition of Microsoft's WP7, Mango.
The suspicion comes from a Bluetooth SIG certificate, issued to one Samsung i937. Seeing the profile of the smartphone it's obvious that it’s a WP7 device and plus the name has already surfaced through Occasional Gamers list of Windows Phone 7 handsets.
Now the bit where it shares the Galaxy S II hardware isn't as certain. It is based on the fact that the model name (SGH-i937) is really close to that of the US version of the Samsung Galaxy S II (SGH-i927). Well that and the fact that we would really love to see the super slim body and huge Super AMOLED Plus screen be available in as many forms as possible.
Of course a move to Windows Phone would also require the Galaxy S II chipset to be replaced with a Qualcomm Snapdragon, but those are quite capable too so it's no biggie.
Let's hope that Samsung doesn't leave us in the dark for much longer and unveils their upcoming WP7 smartphone soon. With the Mango update more or less bringing the Microsoft platform up to speed with its Android and iOS competitors, there'll be plenty of people waiting for some hot hardware to be announced to make the jump.

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