Sunday, 14 December 2014

Sony suspends Xperia Tablet S slaes due to splash-resistance issues

Xperia Tablet S sales suspended due to water resistant defect Update by XB on 05/10/201 in Sony Tablet. ps. i love water resistant thx Sony. Steve Blows Jobz. Sony Sony Suspends Sales of Xperia Tablet S This causes problems with the splash resistance and this Xperia Tablet S will get soaked finally According to Sony This causes problems with the splash resistance and the Tablet S sony xperia tablet s sales frozen due to Xperia Tablet S sales suspended due Sony Finds Flaw in Xperia Tablet S, Suspends Sales. slate, the Xperia Tablet S, Sony is temporarily suspending sales of the device due to a manufacturing

The Sony Xperia Tablet S, which was just released, in September, had its sales suspended by Sony. This was due to an issue with splash-resistance, one reported feature of the Xperia Tablet S. The problem is due to manufacturing issues that caused gaps between the screen and panel. Shipped units of the Xperia Tablet are being pulled back for repair. Additionally, owners of the Xperia Tablet can return it, and get it fixed for free

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