Saturday, 13 December 2014

Temple Run Oz Now Available for BlackBerry 10 Phones

Temple Run 2, is now available on BlackBerry by way of the Android build on Amazon. Windows Phone Connectedly Follow CrackBerry. Facebook Twitter YouTube Temple Run is one of those games you would enjoy playing during a free time, on the train, in the bus etc and the OZ version packs in more fun. it was ported to BlackBerry Temple Run: Oz 2013, Temple Run: Oz was released for Windows Phone Film and now's your chance." Disney keeps on bringing top shelf titles to BlackBerry Their latest release is Temple Run: Oz Phone BBM Money BES 10 BES Now Available for
Good news are always fun to hear and today we give you one more good news for the BlackBerry 10 users out there. Temple Run OZ native BB10 app is now available for Download.
Temple Run Oz Now Available for BlackBerry 10 Phones
Temple Run is one of those games you would enjoy playing during a free time, on the train, in the bus etc and the OZ version packs in more fun. You run and avoid obstacles till things get messy.
Temple Run Oz Now Available for BlackBerry 10 Phones
You can download Temple Run OZ at the BB10 App Store for just $0.99 and I hear it's way better than side loading the android version to the phone.
Go try it out and let us know what you think about Temple Run OZ for BB10.
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