Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Watermelon Shake Recipe

A collection of delicious recipes and photos but I’ve chosen my family’s favorite summertime milkshake to share When your watermelon cubes A cold refreshing drink of watermelon, milk, and sugar is perfect on a hot summer day. Watermelon Shake Recipe Desserts, Beverages with seedless watermelon, sweetened condensed milk, sugar, melon
Watermelon Shake Recipe

This is one of my favorite shake especially when dining out. With the sweetness of a flavorful watermelon, it can be paired with any dish, be it main, side or snacks. Easy recipe to follow, no one can ever say that this is not a good food. :)

Serves 2 Preparation Time 10 minutes Cooking Time 5 minutes


1 tablespoon sugar syrup or 1 tablespoon honey
1 cup seeded and cubed watermelon, use the sweetest one you can get.
1 cup crushed ice
Cherry or small watermelon slice to garnish


Using a blender, combine all ingredients until mixture is slushy.

Pour in two 8 ounces glasses.

Put some cherry or watermelon slice on the tip of the glass.

Serve at once.

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