Monday, 26 January 2015

BlackBerry BrickBreaker - Old vs. New - It's back, but is it better?

Download torrent BlackBerry BrickBreaker - Old vs. New - It's back, but is it better? BlackBerry BrickBreaker - Old vs. New - It's back, but is it better?

BlackBerry finally revamped its much-loved BrickBreaker game, but did it go too far? There are new, awesome power ups, new controls, new levels, new animations, new graphics. In fact, apart from the basic concept being the same, everything has changed. And I'm not sure I like it.

The biggest thing I miss is the space-agey paddle that moves along the bottom of the screen. Instead, there's a strange looking character running around with something held above his/her head. It's also much harder to master.

Have you tried out the new game yet? Let us know what you think, in the comments.

You can download the new version of BrickBreaker from BlackBerry App World for free now.

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