Friday, 10 April 2015


I'm excited to announce that I have signed the contract for my seventh published book! (Faints dead away)

THE LUMPY DUCKLING: Another Weaver Tale will be published by Guardian Angel Publishing (date undetermined).

If you couldn't tell by the name, THE LUMPY DUCKLING was inspired by The Ugly Duckling. It is a story about best friends. Since I have the best best friend in the entire world, I know how to tell a best friend story. Though the story itself is nothing like our friendship, I did make sure to incorporate letter writing into this story, because my bestie and I live 1100 miles apart and write a lot of letters to each other. Our friendship has grown deeper because of it and I wanted kids to see that there are all sorts of ways to develop a true lasting friendship.

LUMPY will be the third book in my Weaver Tales series. Each book is a stand alone. They are set in the same fictional village of The Tales. The residents of The Tales speak in story and are known as Word Weavers. Each person has their own storytelling voice. Eloise (Wheezy) delivers her stories like they are breaking news! Lawrence (Lumpy) tells humourous stories.

Happy Lumpy Book News!
The Weaver's main character Mary couldn't tell a good story to save her life. We don't find out what her story telling voice is until the end of the story.

Happy Lumpy Book News!
The Wishing Well's main character, Molly has a standard storytelling voice, but her mother is gossipy and her meanest sister speaks in list poems.

I hope you will take the opportunity to read The Weaver and The Wishing Well before the release of THE LUMPY DUCKLING. They are available in print and electronic books. Blurbs and buy links can be found on my website, or click on their book cover image on the sidebar of my blog. Be sure to like me on Facebook: Kai Strand, Author, or subscribe to my newsletter so that you won't miss any developing news as I step through the publication process on my newest Weaver Tales book.

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