The baked chocolate mooncake is very popular among the blogosphere as I have seen many blogger friends baking this dark beauty recently. Being a great dark chocolate lover, this recipe was immediately added to my long to-bake list. In fact, given priority and moved to the top due to the forthcoming mid-autumn festival which falls on 8 September this year.
After making a batch of healthy Snowskin mooncake (without shortening) last week, I have set aside time to bake these chocolate mooncakes yesterday. I love especially the heart shape ones which says, "I love you" in mandarin. These of course are meant for my the other half. :)
Baked Chocolate Mooncakes 巧克力烤皮月饼 (Recipe adapted from blogger friends, 食谱å‚考å°æ©±,Joceline å’Œ Ann 的部è½æ ¼)
Ingredients:(makes twelve 50g moulds and six 125g moulds)
225g Plain flour (I used 100g plain flour and 125g superlite flour)
36g Unsweetened cocoa powder (I used Barry Cacao cocoa powder)
170 Sugar syrup (I used golden syrup)
50g Peanut oil (I used corn oil)
1tsp Alkaline water 1/8tsp Baking soda (I omitted this)
830g Lotus paste (I used a mixture of low sugar pure lotus paste, rock melon paste and white peach paste from Kwong Cheong Thye and wrapped each mooncake with 2 types of lotus fillings.) 40g Roasted melon seeds
![]() |
Ingredients for making mooncake crust |
225g 普通é¢ç²‰ (我用100å…‹ä¸ç‹é¢ç²‰å’Œ125å…‹Superlite 低ç‹é¢ç²‰)
36å…‹ æ— ç³–å¯å¯ç²‰ (我用 Barry Cacao å¯å¯ç²‰)
170g 糖浆
50g 花生油 (我用玉米油)
1tsp 碱水
1/8tsp è‹æ‰“粉(我没放)
830å…‹ 纯莲蓉 (我用在广祥泰买的低糖莲蓉,哈密瓜馅和白桃馅, æ¯ä¸ªæœˆé¥¼éƒ½åŒ…裹了两ç§å£å‘³。)
40å…‹ 烤瓜åä»
Method åšæ³•:
1. Mix the sugar syrup, corn oil and alkaline water together until well combined.

2. Sift flour and cocoa powder into the liquid mixture. Use a rubber spatula to mix into a soft dough. Cover with a cling wrap and let it rest for 30 minutes to an hour.
2。å°†é¢ç²‰å’Œå·§å…‹åŠ›ç²‰è¿‡ç›åŠ å…¥æ…æ‹Œå‡åŒ€çš„液体ææ–™,用橡皮刮刀拌æˆè½¯é¢å›¢,然åŽå°†é¢å›¢ç”¨ä¿é²œè†œç›–好休æ¯è‡³å°‘30分钟或1个å°æ—¶。
3. Meanwhile, mix the lotus paste well with melon seeds, divide into portions and roll into balls. (I used half fillings for 50g moulds (12 portions x 30g) and half for 125g moulds. (6 portions x 85g)
** I wrapped each mooncake with 2 types of lotus fillings. (see photos below)
3。莲蓉馅和烤瓜åä»æ··åˆå‡åŒ€åŽ,å¹³å‡åˆ†å—,æ“圆。(我用一åŠåš50克模 (12份 x 30å…‹),å¦ä¸€åŠåš125克模 ( 6份 x 85å…‹ )
4. Divide the dough into equal portions and roll into balls. (I used half to make 50g ones and half to make 125g ones, thus I have divided the dough into 12 portions of 20g each and 6 portions of 40g each.)
5. Wrap in the lotus paste, roll it into a ball. Dust with some flour and press firmly into mould. Unmould the moon cakes and placed it on a baking tray lined with baking paper.
6. Bake at preheated oven 170 degree Celsius for 10 minutes before removing from the oven to cool for about 15 minutes.(This is to prevent cracking on surface) Then put it back into the oven to bake at 170 degree Celsius for another 10-15 minutes. (For my brandt oven, I selected the traditional function and bake at 160 degree Celsius for 10 mins, rested before returning to oven to bake at 170 degree Celcius for 12 minutes.)
6。放入预çƒåŽçš„烤箱以170æ‘„æ°åº¦,烤10分钟,å–出放一æ—待冷15分钟 (预防月饼爆裂)å†æ”¾å…¥çƒ¤ç®±ç»§ç»ä»¥170æ‘„æ°åº¦çƒ¤10-15分钟å³å¯。(我用160æ‘„æ°åº¦å…ˆçƒ¤10分钟,å–出休æ¯åŽ,å†ä»¥170æ‘„æ°åº¦çƒ¤12分钟。)
7. Leave moon cakes to cool down completely before storing in an airtight container.
Notes 笔记: 1. If you find the dough a little sticky to handle, you may rub some oil on your hands for easier handling. I wore a pair of vinyl glove (powder free and food service grade) to handle the dough. 1。如果感觉é¢å›¢ç²˜æ‰‹éš¾ä»¥æ“作,å¯ä»¥åœ¨æ‰‹ä¸Šæ¶‚少许的油。比较好æ。æˆ‘é€‰æ‹©æˆ´ä¸Šæ— ç²‰,适åˆé£Ÿå“用的手套。
2. Do use a premium cocoa powder for a better taste. 2。建议用上ç‰çš„巧克力粉æ¥çƒ˜çƒ¤, 味é“ä¼šæ›´åŠ 。
3. This mooncake does not require any egg washing. 3。è¿™æœˆé¥¼è¡¨å±‚æ— éœ€æ¶‚æŠ¹è›‹æ¶²。
4. This moon cake can be eaten immediately for a crisp taste or you can let it rest for 3 days to let the skin soften. (回油) just like any traditional moon cake. (I personally prefer a softer crust and love the texture after it has soften for 3 days. )
5. Home baked mooncakes can be stored in the room temperature and to be consumed within 2 weeks. 5。自制烤月饼å¯ä»¥åœ¨å®¤æ¸©ä¸‹æ”¶è—,并在两星期内享用完。
For more mooncake recipes 其他月饼食谱: 1. Click here for Shanghai Mooncakes 上海月饼 2. Click here for Fish Doll Mooncake 简易鱼儿公仔饼 3. Click here for Healthy Snowskin Mooncakes å¥åº·å…¨å¤©ç„¶æ料冰皮月饼 4. Click here for Rainbow Snowskin Mooncakes 彩虹冰皮月饼
5. Click here for Baked Custard Mooncakes 酥皮奶黄月饼
I am linking this post to Best Recipes For Everyone August Event : Mooncakes, hosted by Fion of XuanHoms' Mom Kitchen Diary.
This post is also linked to the event, Little Thumbs Up organised by Bake for Happy Kids and My Little Favourite DIY and hosted by Diana from Domestic Goddess Wannabe.
“It takes time and effort to compose or translate recipes, I would appreciate it if you do not copy and pass it off as your own recipe. If you wish to share or adapt any of the recipes that I have posted in this blog, please provide a link to the relevant post here. Thank you.”
编写或翻译食谱需è¦æ—¶é—´å’Œç²¾åŠ›çš„,请ä¸è¦å¤åˆ¶æˆ–将它作为自己的食谱。å¦‚æžœä½ æƒ³åˆ†äº«åœ¨æˆ‘éƒ¨è½æ ¼çš„任何食谱,请æ供在这里的相关链接,谢谢。"
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