My baby boy is 2 years old! I can't believe it! I had so much fun making his nursery and I hate to think of the day he will get a "big boy room". I am amazed at how fast these two years went! I remember when I was first pregnant and did not know his sex. I could only look at and plan a baby-blue room. That is how I knew I was having a boy because I love pink and all things girly! My wedding was as pink as it could get! ( see below photo for proof! ) However when I was pregnant I found my self drawn to light baby blue, peaceful light greens, and earth tones. So at 19 weeks pregnant when the ultrasound technician told us "Its a boy!" .... well she actually said " There is the scrotum! " (Words I will never forget, who would think the word scrotum would make me and my husband cry !" But there was no surprise.. I knew all along that I was going to have a precious LITTLE PRINCE! I love how his room came out. So peaceful and tranquil. I spent many nights rocking him and loved every second even when I was very sleep deprived. This was the first completed room in our house, every last detail was accounted for!
Growing with the room!!!!
Newborn (9 days old)
3 Months
1 Year
18 Months
24 Months
Picture of my girly pink wedding reception!

Picture of my girly pink wedding reception!

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