- Having spent the past three months posting about home decor, crafts and food, the insomniac felt it time for a slight change of pace and decided this week on yet another travel post. Why was Romania chosen, you might be asking? The reply being (whether you asked or not) that a Romanian medal necklace was just sold in the Attic this week - thank you for your purchase, Razvan! - and is currently making its way back to Bucharest, which brought about the sudden desire to peruse Ye Olde Photo Albums (or rather, Ye Olde Pictures Folder on the Computer). However, after having flipped (or rather, clicked) through all the albums, it should surprise absolutely no one that they consist primarily of snapshots of home decor, crafts and food.
The following photos are twenty-four favourites from the family's Romanian trip in 2008. You can thank your lucky stars it was narrowed down from the 500+ originally taken; the decision to reduce that number made purely for financial reasons. In eleven short months of blogging one has already managed to exceed the allotted storage for photos on Blogger and is now required to pay $2.49 per month for additional storage.
Herein you will find scenes not commonly shared by other travellers. There are no pictures of Bran Castle (commonly called Dracula's Castle for the tourists' sake but which really isn't) or the Merry Cemetery (as one prefers one's cemeteries to be more Dreary than Merry). Instead you will find a hodgepodge of images that sum up the insomniac's fascination with all things Romanian.
Sadly, she forgot to preserve an image of her most favourite Romanian attraction - a fried cheese dumpling served with cream and jam called papanași, which despite numerous attempts has proven impossible to replicate in the Gothic Mansion's tiny scullery. After lengthy discussions with the Romanian baker at the local coffee shop, it is apparently a difficult dish to recreate in Canada because we don't have the proper cheese. Fortunately, it makes for a perfect excuse to warrant another trip to this delightful country; that and the fact that even in the middle of August, prime tourist season in any other part of Europe, there were very few other sightseers around. And for someone who really enjoys travelling but really dislikes crowds, that in itself is reason enough. Plus, it was very, VERY cheap.
Without further ado, impressions of Romania ...
PeleÈ™ Castle |
Hunting Lodge at PeleÈ™ Castle |
Skyline of a town whose name now escapes the insomniac. Probably should have made a written note of it. As opposed to a mental note. |
One of the many wooden churches impossible to capture properly in a photo, as they are extremely tall ... |
Awesome antique store sign in SighiÅŸoara ... |
Small but delightful Romanian town. The name, you might be asking? Hmmmmm ... |
Taking in the harvest - made ever so much better by the cigarette dangling from the woman's lips ... |
Romanian haystacks have a very unique shape, as do their crosses ... |
An evening of folk entertainment at the B&B ... an evening in which far too much palincă was consumed, necessitating frequent stops by our guide the following morning so the insomniac could exit the van in a timely fashion, bolt into the woods, and revisit her breakfast of meatballs. Over. And over. And over. |
The Origins of the Palincă Seems harmless enough, doesn't it? |
It is considered good luck if storks nest in your chimney ... |
Giving serious consideration to pink and green for the next house ... |
Every household had a fantastic gate made either of wood or wrought iron ... |
First rat ever. Because there are no rats in Alberta. Crouching over a dead rat in the town square to get a picture raised more than a few Romanian eyebrows ... |
Smoke holes in the roof, although this photo was taken primarily for the black cat weather vane ... |
A Painted Monastery Despite the complete lack of tourists, a few managed to sneak their way into the picture ... |
Note the red tassels covering the horse's eyes; protection against the Evil Eye ... You can't see the tassels? Oh, right. The cart was moving. Completely missed it. |
The Home of The Woodcarver Obviously not the only woodcarver in Romania. He just happened to be the one we visited. He wanted to marry the 14-year old. |
Closeup of The Woodcarver's Home He was very good at carving. Maybe we should have married her off. Just kidding, cherished offspring. |
And lastly, as a reward for having successfully managed to sit through yet another series of bad vacation photos, positive proof that Vampyres do still exist in Transylvania ...
The Real Dracula's Castle |
The Real Dracula |
No Caption Necessary |
Until next time, the insomniac wishes you nights of blissful sleep filled with pleasant dreams. Goodnight, my pretties.
source :,,
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