This video shows pictures of rescues made by various Animal Advocate groups in China. It shows the world how corrupt the Dog & Cat Meat Trade is and the Checkout other video here.
- Animal welfare campaign against Yulin Dog Meat Festival
As Yulin Dog Meat Festival nears, animal rights campaigners started online petitions slaughter thousands cats - It's No Festival
Open Letter From Animals Asia To The Dog Meat Traders Of Yulin. Please Yulin dog meat festival, theft slaughter estimated 50,000 - End Yulin Dog Meat Eating Festival warning graphic
End Yulin Dog Meat Eating Festival (warning graphic content) (Original post) - China Dog Meat Festival 2014 10,000 Dogs to be
Annual Yulin dog meat festival due place June Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. - Petition END YULIN DOG MEAT EATING FESTIVAL
This clear act animal cruelty stopped immediately. These dogs - #endyulinfestival The Noahs Dogs Daily
"There strong hint local authorities dog festival harmful beneficial Yulin. - Petition END YULIN DOG MEAT EATING FESTIVAL
The pups tortured flavor, killed. It time "Raise Ur Paw" horrific tradition! (290503 signatures petition) - End the Yulin Dog Meat Festival 2015
Help provide food, shelter, medical care dogs rescued annual dog meat festival Yulin, China, June 2015. - Gruesome Yulin Dog Festival Must End! You Have a Voice
(Duo Duo Animal Welfare Project) (Billy HCkwok) (Billy HCkwok) The people Yulin celebrated Summer Solstice festival 1990s
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