Friday, 17 July 2015

[Movie Review] Book Review: "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest" by Stieg Larsson

Book Review: "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest" by Stieg Larsson
Mikael Blomkvist and Lisbeth Salander are back in the third story of the Millenium trilogy. Elizabeth is accused of 3 murders. She is currently in the hospital under guard, and will then be transferred to jail to await trial. As she recovers, Mikael tries to prove her innocence. He enlists help from Amansky, his Millenium staff, and a couple of police (the ones he can trust). It is no understatement that there was, and is, a conspiracy against Lisbeth and it leads higher than anyone expected, to a secret group called "the Section" within the Swedish secret police.
Lisbeth and Mikael also get some help from Plague and Trinity, a couple of hacker friends of Lisbeth. Ultimately, to clear her name, she must again face the people and events of her past... for the final time.
Larsson does an excellent job of building suspense. The "Section" will do anything to stop Mikael and Lisbeth, but it is evident that this time, Mikael is well prepared because he knows what they're up against. I love the way that bits of Swedish culture are mentioned throughout the story. Once again, someone is drinking coffee in almost every scene :) This was clearly the best of the trilogy.
There are numerous content warnings: objectionable language (the F word is used throughout), a few sex scenes are mentioned but not described in any detail and scenes of violence.

source :,,

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