Sunday 30 August 2015

[Architecture] Alabama's Lone Gay Legislator Threatens To Out Colleagues' Marital Infidelities - Alabama state Rep. Patricia Todd has decided she's had enough of the grand espousing of "family values" as an attack on same-sex couples as the marriage equality issue comes to a head in her state.

Speaking to the Daily Times, Todd said:

Alabama's Lone Gay Legislator Threatens To Out Colleagues' Marital Infidelities
“I will not stand by and allow legislators to talk about ‘family values’ when they have affairs, and I know of many who are and have,” Todd, the state’s only openly gay lawmaker, said on Facebook over the weekend. “I will call our elected officials who want to hide in the closet out.”

"If certain people come out and start espousing this rhetoric about family values, then I will say, 'Let's talk about family values, because here's what I heard.' I don't have direct knowledge, because obviously I'm not the other person involved in the affair. But one thing you would never hear about me is that I ever cheated on a partner or had an affair," said Todd.

"One thing I'm pretty consistent on is I do not like hypocrites," she added. "If you can explain your position and you hold yourself to the same standard you want to hold me to, then fine. But you cannot go out there and smear my community by condemning us and somehow making us feel less than, and expect me to be quiet."

After reading some anti-gay rhetoric based on "family values" attacking the recent ruling which struck down Alabama's same-sex marriage ban, Todd issued her not-too-veiled threat.

Marriage equality is currently on hold - AGAIN - as Judge Granade issued a last minute 14 day stay on her ruling.

The Attorney General of Alabama is heading to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in hopes of a longer stay on the ruling.

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