Frank was taking about 15 pills a day to ease his high blood pressure, high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes. They both spent a lot of time on the couch and ate fried and fatty foods. Frank weighed 270 pounds and Elaine weighed 223.
Dr. Oz (of the book; You, Staying Young) has transformed them in just six months. He showed Oprah how he did it.
He started them on a 10,000 steps a day (about five miles) walking program. He also got them to change their way of eating.
Now they look and feel a lot better. Frank got rid of his type 2 diabetes and his blood pressure has normalized. Frank has lost sixty pounds and Elaine lost thirty. See their You: Staying Young story at Oprah's site.
other source : http://solopos.com, http://weight-loss-story.blogspot.com, http://slideshare.net
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