Friday, 7 November 2014でんぱ組.inc)'s Moga Mogami(最上もが) Appears In Mobage TV CM "Knights of Glory(ナイツオブグローリー)"でんぱ組.inc)'s Moga Mogami(最上もが) Appears In Mobage TV CM "Knights of Glory(ナイツオブグローリー)"
It was found thatでんぱ組.inc)'s Moga Mogami(最上もが) is appearing in the new TV CM for Mobage's social game "Knights of Glory(ナイツオブグローリー)".

Moga Mogami is known as a video game fanatic and she's appearing in the New TV CM as a preacher to tell the world about the game "Knights of Glory". Broadcasting of the CM to start across the country starting on April 4th, 2014.
Mogami said the following about the social game "Knights of Glory":
I first got interested in the game because of the character design. Then I got more addicted to it as I steadily leveled up. I've been playing the game in my spare time and while traveling for work. The story is also one of the main points I am addicted to Knights of Glory. The game talks the importance of fellowship, justice, and about fighting for what's important. The game is very interesting. So please try it!

ナイツオブグローリー CM「激闘グリフォン」篇 30秒

Source: Official,

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