Friday, 7 November 2014

Milk and Cookies Cake

Milk and Cookies Cake

Even as a grownup, I can't eat a cookie without craving a glass of cold milk, and neither can Jamie. Any time I present him with any sweet treat - cookies, pie or otherwise - he has to have milk along with it.

I met Michele - or rather she found me - through this blog, and for her son Jericho's first birthday, she requested a Cookie Monster Cake, as well as matching cupcakes, and a smash cake that looked like a cookie. My imagination started working, and I thought that a cake that looked like a stack of cookies would be just too cute for words.

The night before decorating the cake, I had an awful case of insomnia, and lay awake from 2-5am mulling over how I would make it look like stacked cookies. I went to work tired that day, but it may have been worth it, because it was while I was lying awake that the idea struck me to cut the top "cookie" as though a bite had been taken out of it, complete with teeth marks.

This may have been the first time ever that I deliberately stacked layers of cake unevenly, but I wanted the final "cookies" to look slightly random rather than perfectly stacked. And it's hard to explain exactly how I achieved the look of the cookies from cake, because it was a lot more difficult than it may look. In the end, it was just a process of adding extra buttercream around the edges of the cakes and then scraping it away (first with the blunt end of a chopstick, and then the pointed end) where the cake layers met to give each layer of cake the rounded look of a cookie.

If it wasn't for Jamie, I don't think it would have looked nearly as good - he sat with me through the whole evening while I decorated both cakes and the cupcakes, offering critiques which, at first annoyed and frustrated me a little, until I realized he was right and that his suggestions were helping me to achieve the look that I had envisioned. And the chocolate buttercream "chocolate chips" and fondant milk bottle with a stripey straw just tied it all together.

So I dedicate this cake to Jamie - my fiance, my best friend, my biggest supporter, my only love, my milk and cookies man. I love you.

Milk and Cookies Cake

Milk and Cookies Cake

Milk and Cookies Cake

source :,,

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