Monday, 15 December 2014

4 The severity of Hemorrhoids

Severe hemorrhoids may require special treatment, much of which can be performed on an outpatient basis. the protruding hemorrhoid cannot be reduced or 4 Hemorrhoids treatment 4 great tips to prevent hemorrhoid flare ups A good hemorrhoids treatment is hard to come by yet there is lots associated with steps you can Overview: Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids are an uncomfortable medical condition that is quite common, with some studies indicating that up to 90 of the population 4 Home Hemorrhoid Treatment Remedy Advice From the Doctor Depending on the severity of your hemorrhoid symptoms, different4 The severity of HemorrhoidsHemorrhoids grade 1In this stage of the disease is the enlargement of the external hemorrhoids cannot see or feel. Solely by a proctoscope hemorrhoids can be diagnosed. Reddish and bluish knots and swellings are being discovered. The symptoms are manifested by small amounts of blood in the stool or the toilet paper, caused by hard stools that will damage the erectile tissue. Pain does not occur. Affected complain mostly in the rectum or anal about the feeling of a foreign body.

Hemorrhoids grade 2the swelling of hemorrhoids is now already palpable with the fingers and is accompanied by eczema. By pressing this button will move outward and then back again, as a rule. This is accompanied by an unpleasant itching and oozing in the area of the anus. This can lead to pain. Bleeding is hardly available yet.

Hemorrhoids grade 3Hemorrhoids are very much filled with blood and are pressed at every stool outside. Be drawn solely from the swelling did not decrease, with the hand but they can be pushed back into the anus. Often occur in this stage of pain. Other symptoms include itching, eczema, inflammation and mucous secretion often.

Hemorrhoids grade 4The person concerned is suffering from severe pain at that stage. The nodes and swelling at the anus can see clearly now. The hemorrhoids are permanently kicked to the outside and cannot be pushed back inside by hand. This is accompanied by mucous secretion, inflammation, ulcers and itching. This extreme change in anal canal is known in medicine as a "fixed after incident".

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