Thursday, 27 November 2014

Dear Fifi Box, Can I have your writing gig?

as I am posting this comment I see to the left of the comment box, Dear Fifi my heart breaks for you Write about your magazine on my blog,I would like Fifi Box is probably best known as runner up on the 2007 ‘Dancing with the Stars’ TV series and writing commercials, and > Thank you for your time Fifi. Hello dear Fifi those little The writing is incredible, My book came! Couldn't wait to tear the box open. Loved everything - your sweet words,

No joke, this is a serious post – I am asking Fifi Box if I can have her writing gig.

Fifi Box you get to write an awesome column in the Sunday magazine each week and you signed off a few weeks ago to begin life as a mum (at what 26 weeks?).

You can find her last piece here

I’d love the opportunity to write a paid piece of 500 words for a national magazine on a weekly basis.

Heck, I’m sitting at my desk at almost 37 weeks pregnant hitting these keys for FREE in the hope that one day this may lead to an awesome opportunity like your column.

What is so strenuous about writing? You’re still on the radio … and I’m still waddling into my office job (because I don’t have a paid writing gig and this whole baby-making process is EXPENSIVE).

I would think that you have more interesting anecdotes to write about whilst being pregnant. I sure do… stories of unwanted advice, stories of random men in lifts thinking that it’s okay to reach out and touch my belly, stories of the ‘joys’ of finding maternity wear, stories from other mothers and mothers-to-be, oh and stories of the ‘joys’ of pregnancy that no one actually tells you about.

Okay you might have baby brain – but is that really having such an impact on your writing? I’m guessing you provide it to News Limited and they give it to an editor any way … no editor for me, I am the writer, editor and publisher.

Oh and I am guessing that you have the help of your mother Pearl at this point in time. I unfortunately live 3 hours from my mother, in another state – so calling her up to help me hang out the washing isn’t really an option.

And lastly, I’m guessing that the baby’s father’s family isn’t having that big of an impact in your life at the moment (or at least we haven’t heard about it via your column or the radio).

I, on the other hand, am having to deal with my in-laws (whom I do honestly love) but sometimes drive me completely insane with their pregnancy advice like ‘You need to drink wine whilst your pregnant, it’s good for the baby and good for your blood’ or ‘If you need to eat dirt, then eat dirt – you need to do what your body tells you’ or ‘I’ve had four children so I think I know a little bit more than your Obstetrician’.

So even though I have many obstacles to overcome in order to produce a piece of well written pregnancy/life anecdotes (worthy of being paid for) on a weekly basis, I am more than willing to do so - even though I am almost 37 weeks pregnant, because how often do these opportunities present themselves?

source :,,

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