Friday, 28 November 2014

Life: Strange Dreams

I was reading a post the other day about how the planets can affect how we feel. And I'm not sure if it's the planets making me have these crazy dreams of late (or my pregnancy) but either way…I'd love it if these weird dreams stopped.
In these dreams my husband does crazy things - like has a mistress - and when I wake up in the morning it feels so real that I am angry with him. BUT IT WAS A DREAM - how can I be angry at my husband for something he doesn't even know about?

I tell him that I dreamt it was the end of the world and we were running from an outbreak of something and we were in a 'safe'/ 'quarentine' place and then he brings in some 'infected' mistress and puts his family at risk and I'm so angry at him… And he laughs at my crazy pregnancy dreams.

Now, as I type I know that it all seems ridiculous - but in the early hours of the morning when I wake up I am so angry that I could seriously punch him in the face.

How could he want to bring danger into the life of me and our young children (oh yeah, in the dream the baby is born)?

Wait… oh yeah, that's right - he doesn't. He is a wonderful, caring, protective father and husband who does everything for his little family and all of these things are figments of my pregnant over active imagination!

I was so worked up about the dreams the other night that I googled 'dreams about cheating'.

It said: Even though dreams about cheating are hardly about actual cheating, it is still important to address the emotions that brought about the cheating dream. Feelings of neglect, insecurity and mistrust are things that should be confronted and discussed in any personal relationship in order for the partnership to grow. It is time to let your guard down and open a dialogue with your significant other…

But that's the crazy thing - I don't feel neglect or insecure or mistrust.

My husband and I have an open dialogue which I am proud of so it's not like I need to 'let my guard down' either… I think that after having children your guard is pretty much down as you can't hold anything in as it will drive you crazy.

SO, I am putting it all down to the pregnancy… Did you have crazy dreams during your pregnancy? Have you been having crazy dreams lately and do you think it has anything to do with the planets?

Life: Strange Dreams

source :,,

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